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How to Create Consistent Sales Without the Desperation of 'Lead Generation'

Here is the Proven Strategy That's Made Us 100% Inbound for Over 4 Years—And How We've Replicated It for 200+ Leaders.

You Already Have the Authority - Stop Competing with Amateurs

In the world of B2B, true leaders aren't sifting through ads and their spam folders.📭 They're engaging where leaders naturally go... stages, media, and other areas where they can make an impact and grow their company.

Redefine Engagement: Celebrate Success, Not Spam

Discover a space where meaningful connections are forged in appreciation of mutual success and respect, far from the typical marketing fray.

Stop Chasing Leads - Collaborate with Leaders Instead

Traditional sales tactics fall short for high-ticket engagements. Why not leverage your own stage and invite the greatest connections into your world... the kinds of leaders you want to do business with?

Lead generation platforms & tactics are a vast wasteland.

In this 7 minute video, I'll reveal my insights collected from over 1,800 leaders on my podcast on what true professionals do to scale business today.🎙️

Hi, I'm Josh Elledge, your ally in redefining B2B connections for consistent, predictable growth. With nearly 2,000 episodes of The Thoughtful Entrepreneur under my belt and over 2,500 media appearances, I've mastered the art of turning visibility into genuine influence.

My work with 200+ VIP Experience clients has paved a proven path for leaders like you, seeking to amplify their authority and business growth. 🚀

While word-of-mouth introductions and referrals are invaluable, the real treasure lies in securing a stream of consistent and predictable sales.

Your Network Defines Your Success

The old saying has never been truer: your network genuinely is your net worth. ⚠️ For founders, CEOs, or directors of sales/growth, your #1 job is to Grow your company and impact in the world.

✅ The fastest way to dramatically increase your impact and scale your company is through building lots of high-value relationships.

The Challenge: Consistent & Predictable Conversations with your ideal connections

So, the burning question remains: How do you stand out and connect consistently in today's B2B world? 🤔

Your End-To-End Funnel Marketing Solution

Build forms and funnel pages to capture leads, user automated sms, email, phone calls, voicemails, and Facebook Messages to nurture leads through custom pipelines, converse with leads & clients via text, phone, and Facebook Messenger (all in one stream!), and more!

What No Longer Works: A Candid Revelation from 2000+ B2B Leaders 🚫

My 2000+ guests have (painfully) shared the outdated tactics that fail to deliver today for larger ticket engagements:

  • Sales Funnels leading nowhere

  • Webinar Automation that lacks engagement

  • White Papers that gather digital dust

  • Bots & Gimmicks that irritate more than innovate

  • Ads & DMs for Sales Appointments that miss the mark

  • Phony or Manipulative Tactics that destroy trust

  • Lead-gen Services & Low-key Social Selling that fall flat (Gross.)🤮

  • Cold Email Spam & Salesy Content that everyone ignores

🔄 Sure. It's easy to get appointments with unqualified 'leads' through these popular but ineffective tactics.

You and I both know... this is an exhausting waste of time for us as leaders.

Quick results



Doesn't come across as slimy

Appropriate for high ticket sales

Automated Sales Funnels
High Volume Bots / DMs / Spam
Leadgen VAs / services
Running Ads for high-ticket B2B
SEO / Content /
White Papers
Word of Mouth / Referrals
Become a

PodCash Leader


Conversations in around 30 days


Our goal: (8-10) 100% inbound a month


See pricing below. Multiple ROI opportunities


100% appropriate for high-authority leaders


The only way to consistently attract VIP decision makers

The Three Core Problems Blocking Connections With Your Ideal Client/Partner 🚧

  1. Invisibility: You are currently invisible to your most qualified leaders in their busy lives.

  2. Unreachability: The most qualified leaders are too busy to reply to your cold outreach and advertising.

  3. Resistance: The most qualified leaders are too busy to jump into anything resembling a 'sales funnel.'

🤖 Quite frankly... spammy, salesy outreach is beneath you.

How do YOU feel when people use manipulative or robotic tactics on you?

What Works: Lead with Generosity & Authenticity ❤️

When you truly embody these values, connections are effortless. You'll find yourself swiftly engaging in meaningful transactions with like-minded leaders within your own 'Whisper Network.'

What Exactly is a 'Whisper Network'? 🤫

A 'Whisper Network' is where experienced business leaders quietly forge bonds with their peers in spaces reserved for the elite — be it VIP speaker lounges, secluded side rooms, private conversations over Zoom, or through personal, high-trust referrals.

This network isn't flashy or overtly salesy. It's about the simple yet profound connection between great 'business adults' who share similar values and energies.

Why a 'Whisper Network' Works:

Trust & Respect: Engaging with others who value integrity.

Quality over Quantity: Focusing on the depth of connections rather than the number.

Mutual Benefit: Naturally creating opportunities where everyone wins.

Embrace the Power of Subtle Influence

Engage in a network that transcends the traditional, transactional business networking approach. 🤗 By leading with generosity and authenticity, you pave the way for relationships that are not only more rewarding but also more likely to yield long-term success.

Where do all these high-level introductions come from then??

Can I share something that may blow your mind if you've been living in scarcity for any length of time?

There is an ENDLESS number of potential customers for you. They just don't want to click on your ads. They don't want your DMs. They don't want your cold email.

Leaders know what you are doing when you are spending hours a week on social media trying to 'drum up' business. It feels... desperate.

You've likely met many of your best clients organically - and through just being a good friend with others.

To drive revenue and impact, we simply need to scale that activity without you spending all your time doing creepy stalking.

No... seriously stop. There's a MUCH better way.

Attract Your Ideal Connections. 🤝 Stop Chasing. 🛑

Forget chasing after success alongside amateurs bombarding your ideal connections with spam.

With the PodCash Leader Network, we equip you with the tools and insights to build and nurture your own network of high-caliber connections.

Watch my full masterclass workshop:

Attraction Mastery:

The FastPass to Magnetizing High-Value Partners and Clients Week After Week.

Introducing the...

PodCa$h Leader Concierge

Our system helps you attract high-caliber individuals onto your calendar every single week.

We empower you to establish connections that fit your ideal customer/partner persona.

As your Fractional Chief Revenue Officer (CRO), here's who I can help you connect with...

  • Qualified Potential Clients: Engage with fully qualified prospects who have the budgets and are the right demographic and psychographic fit for your offerings.

  • Investors: Discover investors interested in projects and businesses with your specific vision and potential for growth.

  • Influencers / Centers of Influence: Connect with influential figures in your industry who can amplify your message and credibility.

  • JV and Affiliate Partners: Forge profitable joint ventures and affiliate partnerships that align with your business strategies.

  • Decision Makers for Events: Utilize warm introductions to connect with event organizers, transforming how you land prestigious speaking engagements.

  • Big-Time Connectors: Meet the super-connectors who can open doors to new opportunities, networks, and resources.

Answer this question...

Who are the 100 most important people you should build friendships with?

I'm not talking unicorn-hunting. 🦄 Think of the potential qualified partners/customers you could realistically meet & collaborate with at an a very exclusive live event.

That's who will come to your front door every single week with the PodCash Leader Network.

Eager to Elevate Your Circle of Influence? Let's make every interaction count! 🌱

Transform Your Daily Grind into a Flow of Effortless Opportunities 😌

  • High-Level Connections: Each week, forge 2-3 meaningful relationships with leaders who resonate with your vision. These are not just any leads; they're decision-makers who genuinely LIKE and value you, changing the texture of your professional life. ❤️

  • Shift to Inbound Naturally: With some industry presence, envision transitioning to 100% inbound in just 6-12 months. Attract engagements based on mutual respect and genuine interest, freeing you from the chase.🌿

  • Embrace a New Day-to-Day: Experience the joy of a workday where business comes to you, nurtured by the system we've perfected. It's about replicating a lifestyle of welcomed opportunities, not 'generating leads.'☀️

  • Feel the Difference: Imagine waking up to a world where your value magnetizes the right connections, making every interaction a step towards growth.

    How fulfilling will it be when the need to pursue fades away, replaced by a steady stream of opportunities seeking you?🌈

Dive Deeper into Your Future of Inbound Success: 🎥 Watch this powerful 10 min video (above) and discover the transformative journey from chasing to attracting.

Learn the key principles that drive growth and how generosity opens doors to more meaningful connections.

See firsthand why our members, and we, thrive on 100% inbound, and how you can too. Let's begin your path to being 'remarkable' together.❤️

Experience Our Network Through Our Leaders' Voices 🎤

What does success look like with us? Let our leaders tell you.

200+ 6-8 figure PodCash Leader VIP Experience clients have transformed their approach to growth and influence - effortlessly and effectively.

Each of our clients have experienced the power of our Fractional Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) impact. Let's chat and figure out how I can help drive client & partner attraction.

Listen to Their Success Stories: Learn directly from our community how integrating our strategies has resulted in businesses that not only grow but thrive on genuine connections.

Disclaimer: Your results are based on a number of factors. Let's chat so we can map out potential outcomes.

All are 6 to 9-figure business owners.

Transform Your Influence with the PodCash Leader Network 🚀

The PodCash Leader Network (PLN) is not just a platform; it's your strategic partner in driving a lifetime of business growth. By joining the PLN, you're guaranteed:

  • Two (or more) High-Value Appointments Every Single Week: 📅 Direct access to at least two weekly engagements with pre-vetted leaders who match your ideal client or partner profile, ensuring every meeting is an opportunity for growth and collaboration.

  • Genuine Relationship Building: 💼 Connections made through our system are cultivated through a mutual appreciation for value and opportunity, facilitated by our unique pre-vetting process that ensures alignment and readiness for potential engagements together. ⭐️

Discover the PodCash Leader Network Difference: Where Strategy Meets Success 🔍

Our meticulous attraction and pre-vetting process is more than a feature; it's a promise. The leaders you'll meet are not just open to connections; they're primed for collaboration thanks to our amazing system, making every interaction a step towards the growth you deserve.

Diving Into the PodCash Leader Network:

A Unified Platform for Transformative Connections

The Entire Platform & Comprehensive Tool Suite 🛠️

Unlock resources that have catalyzed growth for over 200 clients, resulting in millions in sales. The PLN offers you:

  • Seamless Integration: Custom-built pages and scheduling systems that blend effortlessly with your digital footprint.

  • Efficiency Tools: An extensive library of resources for video creation, platform design, and automation, designed to reclaim over 20 hours of your time each month.

Step-by-Step Guidance and Unmatched Support 🗺️

Your success journey is illuminated with clear, actionable steps:

  • Blueprint to Success: Replicate and tailor a proven system with our step-by-step guides, honed over five years & with more than 200 high-authority clients - just like you.

  • Community & Live Support: Tap into weekly live calls and a vibrant private community for expert insights and peer support.

HighLevel Integration and Beyond 💡

Elevate your operational capabilities with HighLevel, an integral part of your PLN membership:

  • Automate Engagement: Master advanced scheduling and relationship-building automation for more meaningful connections.

  • CRM Compatibility: Seamlessly connect with any CRM, utilizing a comprehensive suite of pre-designed email and SMS communications.

  • Cost Savings: The included tool suite potentially offsets hundreds in monthly software expenses, streamlining your tech stack.

Analytics and Success Tracking 📊

Gain actionable insights and align your strategies with:

  • In-Depth Analytics: Monitor your guest pipeline and collaboration efforts with comprehensive visual data.

  • Performance Review: Assess your sales activities, authority, and impact in real-time to continuously optimize your approach.

Empowerment Through Community and Education 🌟

The PLN community is your arena for growth and results:

  • Interactive Learning: Engage in live workshops for offer validation and navigating complex sales and growth challenges.

  • Resource Library: Dive into a wealth of step-by-step workshops, calls, and curated tools designed to accelerate your sales and growth success.

Join the PodCash Leader Network and Transform Your Business Approach ✨

Embrace a new era of business where your influence & generosity paves the way for success. With the PLN, outdated sales tactics are replaced by a system that magnetizes your ideal connections directly to you.

2 Tailored Paths to Influence: Your Choice, Your Journey

At UpMyInfluence, we understand everyone's journey to grow their influence and business is different. That's why we offer two main options within the PodCash Leader Network to match your unique needs, budget, and goals.


Flexible and Budget-Friendly

VIP Experience

All-Inclusive and Done-With-You


Free for 14 Days. $4997 for 12-month program after - only if you are delighted.

(Fully inclusive)


Collaborative with guided customization

Fully managed, bespoke service.

Tools & Resources

Comprehensive toolkit for growth, ready for your personal touch

All-inclusive suite of premium tools, fully tailored to you


Full 60-day onboarding & monthly 1-on-1 coaching + community-driven support with regular live guidance

1-on-1 bespoke coaching. Tailored support for every need


Guided personalization of a proven system to your specific needs

End-to-end customization of strategies and solutions

Community Access

Engage with an active, supportive network of like-minded professionals

Exclusive networking opportunities with high-level peers

Time Commitment

Flexible, adaptable to your schedule and level of engagement

Very limited requirement for comprehensive, hands-off growth

Outcome Support

1-on-1 accountability & check-ins Unlimited community support & live group calls

Co-created success plans with outcome guarantees


See FAQ below: Can I Customize My PLN Experience with Additional Services?

A la carte services available. Upgrade to VIP Experience anytime

Fully comprehensive with everything you need


Unlimited support to help you achieve your goals.

30-Days money-back +
8+ intros/mo by month 4.

Ideal For

Professionals ready to actively participate in their growth journey

Businesses seeking a premium, hands-off growth experience

Low-Risk Evaluation

14-Day Free Trial: Experience PLN's value with no upfront commitment

Let's chat and we can bring all our resources.

Try it free for 14-days


We'll empower you and your team for 4 months. After which, you can downgrade to PLN anytime you want to manage internally.

No Contracts. Cancel anytime.

Have more questions? Let's chat - or find details in our FAQ below.


Flexible and Budget-Friendly


Starting at $497/month


Collaborative with guided customization

Tools & Resources

Comprehensive toolkit for growth, ready for your personal touch


Proactive, community-driven support with regular live guidance


Guided personalization of a proven system to your specific needs

Community Access

Engage with an active, supportive network of like-minded professionals

Time Commitment

Flexible, adaptable to your schedule and level of engagement

Outcome Support

Unlimited community support & live group calls


A la carte services available. Upgrade to Concierge anytime


Unlimited support to help you achieve your goals.

Ideal For

Professionals ready to actively participate in their growth journey

Low-Risk Evaluation

14-Day Free Trial: Experience PLN's value with no upfront commitment


Currently In private beta

No Contracts. Cancel anytime.


All-Inclusive and Done-For-You


(Fully inclusive)


Fully managed, bespoke service

Tools & Resources

All-inclusive suite of premium tools, fully tailored to you


1-on-1 dedicated coaching, tailored support for every need


End-to-end customization of strategies and solutions

Community Access

Exclusive networking opportunities with high-level peers

Time Commitment

Very limited requirement for comprehensive, hands-off growth

Outcome Support

Co-created success plans with outcome guarantees


Fully comprehensive with everything you need


30-Days money-back +
8+ intros/mo by month 4.

Ideal For

Businesses seeking a premium, hands-off growth experience

Low-Risk Evaluation

FastStart: A low-risk entry to evaluate the full Concierge service


New clients after April 1st: $3997/mo.

No Contracts. Cancel anytime.

Have more questions? Let's chat - or find details in our FAQ below.

Making Your Choice

Whether you're leaning towards the done-together flexibility of the PLN or the full-service experience of our VIP Experience option, UpMyInfluence is here to support your success. Both paths are designed to give you the tools, support, and connections you need to boost your influence and open up new opportunities.

Start your journey with UpMyInfluence today and make a real impact in the way you connect, grow, and lead in your industry.

🎁 Bonuses for all members:

⭐️ 1. Be Celebrated Across Our Networks: Gain immediate exposure to over 100K business leaders in our community. We'll feature you across our extensive network, ensuring your introduction is more than just a promotion; it's a significant step in connecting with leaders who share your values. 🤩

⭐️ 2. Media Influencer Transformation: Transform into a media influencer with our proven Makeover System. Benefit from the same strategies that secured me 2500+ media placements, including TV and radio. We'll also guide you in creating impactful press and speaker kits to elevate your visibility. ❤️

⭐️ 3. Strategic Clarity Retreat: Enhance your strategic vision at our virtual Business Blueprint Retreat. Spend a transformative afternoon gaining clarity on your business goals and strategies, essential for your growth and success. Tailored for leaders who prioritize effective planning. 🏝️

⭐️ 4. We'll Introduce You to Our PR Network: Leverage our extensive PR network for the highest level connections, a cultivated community since 2014, featuring over 6,000 professionals. Connect with influential decision-makers, opening doors to unparalleled collaborations and sales opportunities.. 😎

⭐️ 5. Feature Opportunity Now Open: Become a featured success story. We spotlight leaders who thrive through generosity . Share your journey with us, and we'll broadcast your case study of generosity-led growth across multiple media platforms, celebrating your achievements in our community, our upcoming book, and beyond. 🔥

⭐️ 6. Your Membership Can Be Free: Enjoy a complimentary membership through referrals. Invite peers who appreciate generous business practices to our classes, and earn $100/mo(PLN referrals) $600/mo (VIP Experience referrals) for the lifetime of each referral. Learn More about our Partner Program.

⭐️ 7. You get future bonuses AND keep these bonuses: Secure these exclusive bonuses available only for today's members. Our gratitude for connecting with you is reflected in these unique offers, which future members may not have access to . Enjoy the full suite of benefits now. 🤗

The sorts of messages I want to have with you...

Our Commitment to Risk-Free Success 🔒

At UpMyInfluence, we stand by the effectiveness of our services, offering clear guarantees to ensure your confidence and success, whether you choose our VIP Experience service or start with the PodCash Leader Network.

VIP Experience Guarantees:

Guarantee One: Appointment Assurance

We commit to your success. By the fourth month of our VIP Experience service, you'll consistently have 8+ high-level appointments each month. If not, we'll work pro-bono until we get you there.

Our track record with over 200 clients gives us confidence in this promise. Your commitment is the key; we'll match it to ensure you build lasting, high-level connections.

Guarantee Two: 30-Day Satisfaction

Experience our VIP Experience service risk-free for the first month. If it's not everything you expected or if it doesn't meet your needs, inform us within the first 30 days for a full refund. It's that simple.

You can always upgrade later.

Start small with PLN & and scale up

Activate your free 14-day Adventurer's Pass and work on strategy first. During your free trial or at any point in PLN, you can add VIP services as you see fit. We offer individual services for those who want us to more actively co-create amazing growth outcomes together. See Can I Customize My PLN Experience with Additional Services? below for options.

Start with a 14-Day Free Trial

Not ready for VIP Experience or looking for a more flexible approach? The PLN offers a 14-day free trial, giving you a glimpse of the network's potential and how it can serve your growth ambitions with zero upfront commitment.

Frequently Asked Questions:

General FAQs:

Am I a good fit for you?

Finding the right fit is crucial for mutual success. At UpMyInfluence, we cater to a diverse range of professionals, from forward-thinking entrepreneurs to established business leaders seeking to amplify their influence and achieve substantial business growth.

For PLN Members:

The PLN is designed for self-motivated professionals eager to take an active role in their growth journey. If you have a high-value offer (or are in the process of developing one) and are committed to ethical, relationship-first sales, the PLN could be the perfect platform for you. Ideal PLN members are those who:

  • Embrace flexibility and autonomy in their growth strategies.

  • Value community support and are eager to engage with like-minded professionals.

  • Are ready to personalize a proven system to their unique brand and audience.

    For VIP Experience Clients:

    Our VIP Experience is tailored for those seeking a fully managed, bespoke growth experience. We conduct a thorough interview/application process to ensure we can confidently drive success together. Ideal Executive Circle clients typically:

  • Have established high-value offers ranging from $5,000 to 7-figures.

  • Possess a strong online authority and are ready to scale their business further.

  • Align with our values, prioritizing genuine, long-term relationships over transactional sales.

    Whether you're drawn to the empowering, self-guided journey of the PLN or the comprehensive, hands-off approach of our VIP Experience, we're here to support your ascent to greater influence and business success.

FAQ image

Will this work for my offer?

The effectiveness of UpMyInfluence's PLN and VIP Experience in enhancing your offer's appeal and marketability largely depends on the nature of your product or service, and your target audience. While we've successfully amplified offers across various industries, here are some considerations to determine if we're a match for your offer:

For Both PLN and VIP Experience Members:

Higher-Value Offers: Our services are best suited for offers with significant value, typically with a lifetime value of $10,000 or more. This includes professional services, coaching, consulting, SaaS tools, real estate services, enterprise level sales, group programs, and more.

B2B Focus: We specialize in elevating B2B products and services. If your offer caters to other businesses and decision-makers, you're likely to see substantial benefits from our network and strategies.

Scalability: Offers that have the potential to scale and serve a wider audience without diminishing quality or value are ideal.

Additional Considerations for VIP Experience Clients:

Customization Potential: The VIP Experience service thrives on offers that can be customized or tailored to individual client needs, enhancing the personal touch that high-level connections appreciate.

Complex Offers: If your offer is complex or high-ticket, requiring detailed explanation or demonstration, our VIP Experience service can provide the nuanced approach needed to communicate its value effectively.

Exploring Fit:The best way to determine if UpMyInfluence can enhance your offer is through a conversation. Whether you're considering the PLN or our VIP Experience service, let's discuss your offer's specifics, your target market, and how our networks and strategies align with your goals.

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Will this work for my ideal customers?

Understanding your ideal customers is key to determining the effectiveness of UpMyInfluence's strategies for your business. Our approach is designed to resonate with decision-makers and leaders who value authentic, relationship-driven interactions over traditional sales tactics.

Ideal Customer Profile for UpMyInfluence Members:

Success-Driven Leaders: Our methods are most effective for engaging decision-makers at successful companies who are typically resistant to conventional advertising and cold outreach.

Value Authenticity: Ideal customers are those who appreciate genuine connections and are more likely to engage with peers and industry leaders who offer real value and insight, rather than just another sales pitch.

Seek Meaningful Relationships: They prefer building long-term, mutually beneficial relationships over transactional interactions, making them perfect candidates for the high-value networking UpMyInfluence facilitates.

How UpMyInfluence Caters to Your Customers:

Authority and Trust: We help you elevate your online authority, making you a more attractive and credible figure in your industry. This positions you as a welcomed guest, not an annoying pest, in the eyes of your ideal customers.

Platform as a Service: Leveraging our platform, especially through a podcast, offers a unique way to invite your dream clients into meaningful conversations, transforming how they perceive and interact with you.

Generosity First: Our give-first approach aligns with the expectations of sophisticated audiences today, allowing for organic relationship building that can lead to sales, partnerships, and growth.

Assessing Compatibility:

If your ideal customers fit this profile, and you're committed to a relationship-first approach to sales and business development, UpMyInfluence's PLN or VIP Experience could be the transformative element you need. Let's explore how we can align our strategies with your customer avatar to ensure maximum impact and success.

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Why is leveraging platform/a podcast good for business?

In today's digital landscape, having a platform, especially a podcast, is not just an asset; it's a strategic necessity for business growth. Here’s why leveraging a platform like a podcast can be transformative for your business, whether you're part of our PLN or VIP Experience:

Amplified Authority and Credibility:

Establish Expertise: Hosting a platform, particularly a podcast, positions you as an authority in your field, enhancing your credibility among peers, potential clients, and industry leaders.

Enhanced Networking Opportunities:

Connect with Decision-Makers: A podcast offers a unique avenue to invite and converse with high-level guests, including potential clients, industry influencers, and strategic partners, fostering valuable relationships.

Content Multiplication:

Rich Content Creation: Each episode can be repurposed into various content forms, including blog posts, social media snippets, and YouTube videos, significantly expanding your content marketing reach.

Audience Engagement and Growth:

Build a Loyal Community: Regularly sharing insightful conversations and industry knowledge helps cultivate a dedicated audience that values your insights, leading to increased brand loyalty and engagement.

SEO and Visibility Boost:

Improve Online Presence: Podcasts and associated content can enhance your SEO efforts, with backlinks from podcast directories and shared episodes improving your website's visibility and search ranking.

Market Intelligence:

Stay Informed and Relevant: Engaging with guests and audience feedback through your platform keeps you attuned to industry trends, challenges, and opportunities, ensuring your business remains adaptive and forward-thinking.

Cost-Effective Marketing:

Efficient Reach: Compared to traditional advertising, a platform like a podcast offers a cost-effective way to reach a broader, more engaged audience, providing a higher ROI on your marketing efforts.

For PLN Members:

The PLN equips you with the tools and guidance to effectively leverage your platform, ensuring you can maximize these benefits with autonomy and support from our community.

For VIP Experience Clients:

Our VIP Experience service takes this a step further by managing your platform/podcast for you, ensuring every aspect is optimized for maximum impact, from guest selection to content repurposing and promotion.

The Bottom Line:

Leveraging a platform like a podcast isn't just about having a voice in the digital space; it's about strategically positioning your business for growth, influence, and meaningful connections. Whether you choose the PLN for a hands-on approach or the VIP Experience for a fully managed experience, UpMyInfluence is here to ensure your platform becomes a pivotal part of your business success.

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Can I see examples of success stories or testimonials?

Absolutely! We've captured a series of video testimonials above on this page ⬆️ that bring to life the remarkable journeys and successes of our clients. These stories highlight the significant impact our strategies have had on their businesses, from expanding professional networks to achieving notable business growth.

All of our clients above are 6-8 figure business leaders. All are high-authority. All are collaborative in their approach to growth.

Watch Success Unfold:

We invite you to watch these video testimonials to see firsthand the transformations our clients have experienced. Each video offers insights into how UpMyInfluence has facilitated meaningful connections, enhanced authority, and driven business success.

Watch Our Client Success Stories

Be Inspired:

As you explore these videos, consider how your own story might unfold with UpMyInfluence. The successes you'll witness are not just possible; they're within reach.

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Confused about what we do? Here's the Quick Overview

Who do you need to be building more relationships with? Potential clients? Potential partners?

UpMyInfluence at a Glance:

What We Offer: UpMyInfluence provides two primary services—the PodCash Leader Network (PLN) for those who prefer a hands-on approach with support, and the VIP Experience for a fully-managed, done-for-you experience.

We create, run, operate a podcast with you (Network) or for you (VIP Experience) to get your dream connections on your schedule. You are the host for this podcast. We provide everything you need to maximize your valuable time. You simply feature your ideal connections as a valued podcast guest in a 20-min interview and continue those relationships as we design & advise.

Through our system, you get all the benefit with only a fraction of the work.

Your Benefits: Both services are designed to elevate your influence, connect you with industry leaders consistently & predictably, and amplify your business growth through strategic networking and content creation.

Customization: With a la carte options for PLN members and a Fast Start program for those considering our VIP Experience, you can tailor your experience to your specific needs and goals.

Risk-Free Trials: Try PLN with a 14-day free trial or explore VIP Experience through our Fast Start program to see what best fits your business before making a long-term commitment.

Our Promise:

Our mission is to help you stop chasing leads and start building meaningful, reciprocal relationships with top industry leaders, transforming the way you do business and setting you on a path to becoming an influential figure in your field.

Next Steps:

Feeling more oriented? Great! If you're ready to take the first step or have more questions, schedule a call with us. Let's unlock your potential together.

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Service-Specific FAQs:

What happens if I don’t like this?

At UpMyInfluence, your satisfaction and success are our top priorities. We understand the importance of finding the right fit for your business growth needs, and we strive to ensure our services meet and exceed your expectations.

Our Approach to Your Satisfaction:

Open Communication: We encourage you to share your feedback and concerns with us at any stage of your journey. Open communication allows us to address any issues promptly and align our strategies with your goals.

Adjustment and Optimization: If there's something about the service that's not meeting your needs, let us know. We're committed to making necessary adjustments to ensure the service works for you.

If You're Still Not Satisfied:

14-Day Free Trial for PLN Members: If you're exploring the PLN and find it's not the right fit within the 14-day trial period, you can cancel without any obligation, no questions asked.

30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee for VIP Experience Clients: We offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee for our VIP Experience. If you're not satisfied within the first month, we're committed to making it right. If we can't resolve your concerns, we offer a full refund of your initial investment.

Ensuring a Risk-Free Experience:

We want to ensure that engaging with UpMyInfluence is a risk-free decision for you. Whether you're part of the PLN or our VIP Experience, we're here to support your growth and ensure you're delighted with the value we provide.

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How quickly can I make sales?

The timeline to achieving sales through UpMyInfluence varies based on several factors, including your offer, target market, and how actively you engage with the network and strategies we provide. While immediate results are possible, building meaningful relationships and authority often yields the most significant and lasting sales outcomes.

Building Foundations First:

Initial Engagement: In the early stages, your focus will be on building your platform and extending initial invitations to get the momentum started. It doesn't take long. Some of our clients start have consistent conversations 3-4 weeks. Others take more time. It really depends on your pace in getting things done!

Relationship Building: Moving forward, you'll find about the same conversion, engagement rate, and sales cycle lengths as warmed up introductions to super qualified leaders who fit your ideal customer or partner persona.

For many of our VIP Experience clients, 50% or more connections can turn into some sort of collaboration: reciprocal content creation opportunities, introductions, collaborations, speaking invites, and partnerships. We also like to see engagements on our clients' services around 20% of the time. Again, this can vary in either direction based on who you are, what you do, and who you serve.

Realistic Expectations:

Short-Term Wins: Some members begin to see opportunities for sales within the first few months as they start to connect with high-value individuals and share their offers in the right context.

Long-Term Growth: The most significant sales results often come after you've established a solid foundation of relationships and authority, typically around the 6-12 month mark, leading to a steady stream of high-quality leads and sales because of your fast-growing network of high-value connections.

Our Commitment to Accelerating Your Success:

Actionable Strategies: We provide you with clear, actionable strategies and support to help you accelerate the process, from optimizing your platform presence to enhancing your offer's appeal.

Proactive Engagement: The more proactive and engaged you are in following our action plans and connecting with your ideal clients, the quicker you'll see results.

Partnering for Your Success:

Remember, UpMyInfluence is about creating lasting connections that lead to sales, partnerships, and opportunities. Our goal is to empower you with the tools and network to transform your sales process, making it more authentic, enjoyable, and effective.

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What do you think my ROI is?

Calculating the return on investment (ROI) with UpMyInfluence involves more than just immediate financial gains; it encompasses the broader impact on your business growth, network expansion, and long-term profitability. While direct ROI can vary widely among our members and clients, the strategic advantages gained often translate into significant value.

Factors Influencing ROI:

Nature of Your Offer: High-value offers, particularly those with long-term client engagement, tend to yield higher ROI as the relationships built through our platform can lead to substantial contracts and repeat business.

Engagement Level: The more actively you engage with the community, utilize the platform, and implement our strategies, the quicker and more significant your ROI can be.

Building Authority: Establishing yourself as a thought leader and trusted authority in your field can lead to opportunities that far exceed initial sales, including speaking engagements, partnerships, and expanded market reach.

Realistic ROI Expectations:

Short-Term Gains: While immediate sales are possible, especially with well-aligned high-value offers, the most profound ROI often comes from the cumulative effect of building relationships and authority over time.

Long-Term Value: Many of our clients find that the long-term value of the connections, collaborations, and brand elevation they achieve provides an ROI that extends well beyond initial sales, contributing to sustained business growth and profitability.

Our Commitment to Your Success:

UpMyInfluence is dedicated to providing you with the tools, strategies, and support needed to maximize your ROI. Our focus on authenticity, generosity, and strategic networking is designed to create a fertile ground for not just sales, but transformative business opportunities.

Measuring Your Success:

We encourage a holistic view of ROI that considers both tangible sales results and intangible benefits such as brand strength, industry influence, and the quality of your professional network. These elements collectively contribute to your business's long-term success and profitability. This is simply what leaders believe.

As with anything results-focused... I'm not making promises and guarantees on your income. There are far too many factors in which you are in the driver's seat on.

Watch my video about how to drive consistent cashflow in B2B

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How Do You Acquire High-Value Connections?

At UpMyInfluence, we move beyond traditional 'lead generation' to focus on fostering genuine, high-value connections. Our approach is designed to attract individuals who are not just leads but potential collaborators, partners, and clients who align with your values and business goals.

Our Strategy for Building Your Network

Community Engagement: Leveraging our extensive network and community, we facilitate introductions and interactions that position you as a trusted authority in your industry.

Content and Platform Utilization: By maximizing the impact of your content and presence on various platforms, especially podcasts, we attract individuals interested in what you have to offer.

Value-First Approach: We champion a generosity-led strategy, where giving first and adding real value leads to organic and meaningful connections with potential clients and partners.

Beyond 'Leads'

Quality Over Quantity: Our focus is on the quality of connections rather than the sheer volume of leads. We believe in building relationships with individuals who are genuinely interested in collaborating and engaging with your business.

Mutual Benefit: The connections we facilitate are based on mutual interests and the potential for long-term business relationships, not just one-off transactions.

Strategic Introductions: Through our platform, you'll have the opportunity to meet decision-makers and influencers in your field, opening doors to strategic partnerships and opportunities.

The Result

The outcome of our approach is a network of engaged, high-value individuals who view you as an authority and are more likely to become loyal clients, partners, and advocates for your business. With UpMyInfluence, you're not just collecting leads; you're building a community of supporters and collaborators.

This is how business gets done for high-authority, collaborative leaders.

Learn More About Our Networking Strategy in my Attraction Mastery Workshop

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How much time will this take me/my team?

What Time Commitment Can I Expect?

Engaging with UpMyInfluence, whether through the PLN or VIP Experience, is designed to be efficient and impactful, respecting the value of your time and that of your team. The time investment required varies based on the level of service and how actively you choose to engage with our platform and strategies.

For PLN Members:

Initial Setup: Setting up and personalizing your platform with the PLN may require a focused effort initially, especially during the first month. Expect to dedicate a several hours each week to optimize your presence and strategies. You can absolutely use a virtual assistant (VA) who is comfortable with GoHighLevel - the platform we've built upon. If you don't have an assistant, we've got VA partners who we can connect you with at typical inexpensive VA rates.

Once you get this part done, life can get pretty awesome.

WARNING: ⚠️ Without building a proper flow for guests, you are likely wasting everyone's time - particularly your own. Podcasters don't automatically make money without a proper business plan and the proper systems. ⚠️ I believe it's the biggest contributor to why 90%+ people who try podcasting make little to no money and throw in the towel before they get to episode 20.

Ongoing Engagement: After the initial setup, maintaining and growing your network typically requires a manageable commitment of 1-2 hours per week, focused on engaging with your dream ideal connections each week. What else would you rather be doing in business? 😄

For VIP Experience Clients:

Minimal Time Investment: Our VIP Experience is designed to be mostly hands-off, allowing you to benefit from our full suite of strategies and support with minimal time investment on your part. Plan on 1-2 hours of your time or your team's time each week to go live as quickly as possible.

Regular Check-Ins: The podcasts are easy. 30 min a piece. While we handle the heavy lifting, we encourage regular check-ins, coordination, and strategy sessions with your dedicated PodCoach.

You will also want to spend maximum time with your new ideal relationships - but that's up to you how much time you want to take with your new potential clients and partners! 🤩

Maximizing Your Time:

Regardless of the service chosen, our goal is to make every minute count. We focus on strategic activities that drive value and growth for your business, ensuring that your time investment translates into tangible results.

Balancing Engagement and Efficiency:

We understand the demands on your schedule and strive to balance active engagement with efficiency. Our systems and support are designed to streamline your efforts, making your journey towards increased influence and business growth as time-effective as possible.

I will say this... If you have been spending time running around trying to drum up business, you'll love when everyone comes to you instead! How will that feel to remove that pressure from your life?

Watch my video about our best use of time as B2B leaders.

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Who Will I Be Collaborating With at UpMyInfluence?

When you partner with UpMyInfluence, you're not just gaining access to a platform; you're joining a collaborative ecosystem of experts dedicated to your success. Our team consists of seasoned professionals in marketing, sales strategy, public relations, authority, content creation, and more, all working together to amplify your influence and drive business growth.

Your Support Network Includes:

Dedicated PodCoaches: For our VIP Experience Clients, your dedicated PodCoach is your primary point of contact. They provide personalized guidance, strategic insights, and ongoing support tailored to your needs and goals.

Content and Marketing Strategists: For VIP Experience clients, our strategists work behind the scenes to enhance your platform presence, optimize your content for engagement, and ensure your marketing efforts resonate with your target audience.

Production and Design Team: For VIP Experience clients, our production and design experts handle all aspects of content creation, from podcast production to visual branding, allowing you to focus on your core business activities.

All of the above have helped create and continue to support the amazing system that PodCash Leader Network members (and VIP Experience Clients) enjoy!

Additionally... you can try any of our VIP Experience services a la carte as a PLN member if you want immediate and comprehensive support around any aspect of our systems.

Community and Networking Facilitators: For all members, engage with fellow members and industry leaders through our facilitated networking opportunities, designed to foster valuable connections and collaborative partnerships.

Collaborative Approach:

Personalized Support: Whether you're part of the PLN or opting for the VIP Experience, you'll receive support tailored to your specific journey, with regular check-ins and strategy sessions to keep you on track.

Community Engagement: Beyond individual support, you'll be part of a vibrant community of like-minded professionals. This network serves as an additional layer of insight, motivation, and opportunity, amplifying the collective success of all members.

Our Commitment to You:

At UpMyInfluence, we're more than just a service provider; we're your strategic partner in growth. Our team is committed to understanding your unique vision and working collaboratively to turn that vision into reality.

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Will I get to connect with your other clients/members?

Absolutely! A key component of UpMyInfluence is fostering a vibrant, engaged community where our clients and members can connect, collaborate, and share insights. We believe in the power of networking and the collective success it can bring to all involved.

Networking Opportunities:

Community Forums and Groups: As part of UpMyInfluence, you'll gain access to exclusive forums and groups where you can interact with other professionals who are also on their journey to amplify their influence and grow their businesses.

Live Events and Workshops: We regularly host live events, workshops, and webinars that not only provide valuable learning opportunities but also facilitate networking among participants. These events are perfect for sparking collaborations and sharing best practices.

Success Circles: For those seeking deeper connections, our Success Circles offer a more intimate setting for group discussions, accountability, and support, centered around specific topics or goals.

The Value of Connection:

Diverse Perspectives: Engaging with a broad range of professionals from various industries can provide fresh insights and innovative approaches to your own business challenges.

Collaborative Growth: Through these connections, you'll find opportunities for collaborative projects, partnerships, and even new ventures that can accelerate your business growth.

Shared Success: Celebrating wins, learning from shared challenges, and contributing to the community's collective knowledge makes the journey more enriching for everyone.

Joining the PodCash Leader Network:

Joining us means more than accessing tools and strategies; it's about becoming part of a community committed to mutual growth and success. We encourage active participation and genuine engagement, as these are the foundations of meaningful and productive connections.

The reason our system is as effective as it is today is thanks to our amazing community that has crowd-sourced much of what you get to enjoy today!

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What kind of technical support can I expect?

At UpMyInfluence, we understand the importance of reliable technical support in ensuring a smooth and efficient experience with our platform. Our commitment to your success includes comprehensive technical assistance tailored to meet your needs, whether you're navigating the PLN or leveraging our VIP Experience.

Comprehensive Support Services:

Responsive Help Desk (VIP Experience) Public Community (PLN): Our dedicated support team is available to address any technical queries or challenges you may encounter. You can expect timely and helpful responses in either membership category.

Resource Library: Gain access to an extensive library of guides, tutorials, and FAQs designed to empower you with the knowledge to troubleshoot common issues and make the most of our platform's features.

Live Technical Support Calls: For PLN members who need more complex issues or personalized guidance, we offer live support sessions each week where our technical experts can walk you through solutions step-by-step, ensuring your questions are resolved in real-time. VIP Experience Clients have unlimited support directly with the their PodCoach. PLN members can also engage us through a la carte VIP Experiences if you like.

Proactive Technical Assistance:

Regular Platform Updates: We continuously improve and update our platform to enhance its functionality and user experience. Our members and clients receive notifications about new features and updates, along with instructions on how to implement them.

Community Support: Beyond our official support channels, you'll find a wealth of knowledge and assistance within our community forums, where members share tips, advice, and solutions based on their experiences.

Our Technical Support Philosophy:

We believe that effective technical support is a cornerstone of your success with UpMyInfluence. Our goal is not only to resolve issues as they arise but also to proactively equip you with the tools and knowledge to navigate the platform confidently.

Ready to Assist:

Whether you need immediate help with a technical issue or have questions about optimizing your use of our platform, our technical support team is ready to assist you, ensuring that technical hurdles never stand in the way of your growth and influence.

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How personalized can the services get to fit my specific business needs?

How Personalized Can the Services Get to Fit My Specific Business Needs?

At UpMyInfluence, we pride ourselves on the adaptability and customization of our services to meet the unique needs of each client and member. Our goal is to ensure that our strategies not only align with your business objectives but also resonate with your brand's voice and vision.

Tailoring Our Approach:

Individual Assessment: Our journey together begins with a thorough assessment of your business, target audience, and goals. This initial deep dive enables us to tailor our strategies to your specific context and objectives.

Custom Strategy Development: Based on this assessment, we craft a personalized strategy that leverages our platform's tools and resources most effectively for your business. Whether you're part of the PLN or our VIP Experience, together we'll create a plan designed to meet your unique needs.

Flexible Implementation: We understand that businesses evolve. Our services are designed to be flexible, allowing for ongoing adjustments and refinements to your strategy as your business grows and your needs change.

VIP Experience Personalization:

For VIP Experience Clients, personalization extends to every aspect of the service—from content creation and platform management to networking strategies and growth planning. Your dedicated team works closely with you to ensure every element reflects your brand and contributes to your business goals.

PLN Customization Options:

PLN members have access to a wide range of customizable tools and resources, along with guidance on how to adapt them to their branding and messaging. The sky is the limit on customization that you/your team can employ!

Additionally, our support community and live coaching calls provide opportunities for personalized advice and insights.

Commitment to Your Unique Journey:

We recognize that no two businesses are the same, and our commitment to personalization reflects our dedication to your success. UpMyInfluence's services are not just about providing a one-size-fits-all solution; they're about partnering with you to create a tailored approach that amplifies your influence and drives your business forward.

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How active and supportive is the community?

The UpMyInfluence community is not just a network; it's a dynamic "whisper network" of professionals where active engagement, mutual support, and shared growth are the cornerstones. Our members and clients form a close-knit ecosystem, thriving on the exchange of insights, opportunities, and encouragement.

The Essence of Our Whisper Network:

Continuous Engagement: Our community is characterized by its high level of activity, with members regularly sharing updates, success stories, challenges, and queries. This continuous engagement fosters a lively and supportive environment.

Generosity-Led Support: In line with our philosophy of generosity, our community members are always eager to offer advice, provide feedback, and share resources. This culture of support ensures that no question goes unanswered and no achievement goes uncelebrated.🎉

Collaborative Opportunities: The whisper network effect within our community means that opportunities, referrals, and collaborations are often shared among members, opening doors to new possibilities and partnerships that might not be accessible in traditional networks.

Nurturing Professional Relationships:

Facilitated Networking: We actively facilitate connections within the community, organizing virtual meetups, live Q&A sessions, and themed discussions to ensure members can easily find and connect with like-minded professionals.

Success Circles: For deeper collaboration, our Success Circles provide a more intimate setting for members to dive into specific topics, work on joint projects, or support each other in achieving particular goals.

A Community That Grows With You:

Our community's strength lies in its diversity, with members spanning various industries, backgrounds, and levels of experience. This diversity enriches the network, providing a broad spectrum of perspectives and opportunities. As you grow and evolve in your business journey, you'll find the UpMyInfluence community is there to grow and evolve with you, offering not just support but a platform for amplifying your influence and impact.

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Can I Customize My PLN Experience with Additional Services?

Absolutely! While the PodCash Leader Network (PLN) offers a comprehensive suite of tools and resources, we understand that your business might have unique needs that require specialized support. To cater to these needs, we offer a selection of a la carte services that can be added to your PLN membership:

Guest Management ($497): Let us take care of guest vetting, scheduling, and coordination, ensuring your podcast features only the best guests.

Guest Attraction ($1,497, 4-month minimum): We guarantee to attract 8+ high-value guests per month by our fourth month of service, or we'll continue working at no extra charge until this goal is met.

Production Services ($1,497): Access end-to-end podcast production, including audio editing, show notes, distribution, and social media assets.

Unlimited Coaching ($1,497): Get personalized coaching on sales, growth strategies, and system optimization to maximize your PLN experience.

These services are designed to seamlessly integrate with your PLN membership, providing you with the flexibility to enhance your platform according to your specific business goals.

Interested in an All-In-One Solution? Consider upgrading to our VIP Experience, which includes all these services and more, offering you a fully-managed, comprehensive solution for your growth and networking needs.

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Interested in a VIP Experience Test Drive? Explore Our Fast Start Program

Our Fast Start program offers a concise, 21-day engagement where you can experience the core benefits of our VIP Experience. This $497 program is designed to give you a taste of how UpMyInfluence can amplify your influence and connect you with key industry leaders.

Highlights of Fast Start:

Tailored Strategy: Gain clarity on your ideal clients and the most effective ways to engage them.

Exclusive Network Access: Get a sneak peek into our influential network, enhancing your visibility.

Actionable Growth Plan: Leave with a 90-day execution plan, laying out clear steps for expanding your influence.


Fast Start participants also receive valuable resources to streamline their journey, including a guide to leveraging AI in podcasting, strategies for converting conversations into sales, and introductions to over 200 podcast networks.

Learn More:

For a detailed overview of the Fast Start deliverables, timeline, and how it can pave the way for your success, please visit our Fast Start Program Page.

Embrace this opportunity to experience the transformative power of our VIP Experience service with minimal commitment.

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Financial and Investment FAQs:

Can I cancel the 14-day PodCash Leader Network trial and pay $0?

Yes, absolutely. We've designed the 14-day trial of the PodCash Leader Network (PLN) to be completely risk-free, giving you the opportunity to explore all the benefits and features of the platform without any financial commitment.

Transparent and Hassle-Free Cancellation:

Easy Access to Cancellation: We ensure that the option to cancel your trial is clear and easily accessible. You'll find the cancellation link within your account settings, and we'll also provide it in the communications during your trial.

Reminders Before Trial Ends: To help you make an informed decision, we'll send you reminders before your trial period concludes, detailing how to cancel if you decide the PLN is not the right fit for you at this time.

No Hidden Fees or Charges: If you choose to cancel before the trial period ends, you won't be charged anything. We're here to support your success, not to lock you into something that doesn't meet your needs.

Our Commitment to Your Satisfaction:

We're confident in the value the PLN offers, but we also understand that it's essential for you to have the flexibility to assess its fit for your business. Our goal is to ensure you have a positive and insightful experience during your trial, with complete freedom to continue or cancel based on your assessment.

Learn More About the PodCash Leader Network Trial

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What's your refund policy?

At UpMyInfluence, we're committed to ensuring your complete satisfaction with our services. We offer clear and straightforward refund policies for both our VIP Experience and the PodCash Leader Network (PLN) to provide you with peace of mind and confidence in your investment.

VIP Experience Refund Policy:

30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee: We stand behind the value and impact of our VIP Experience. If, within the first 30 days of engagement, you find that the service does not meet your expectations or you're not entirely satisfied for any reason, we offer a full refund of your initial investment. Our goal is to ensure that our partnership is fruitful and aligns with your business objectives.

PLN Trial and Subscription Policy:

14-Day Free Trial: The PLN comes with a 14-day free trial, allowing you to explore the full range of features and benefits without any upfront payment. This risk-free trial is designed to help you assess the platform's fit for your business needs.

Transparent Communication: Should you decide to continue with the PLN after your trial, we ensure clear communication regarding subscription charges ahead of time. We're dedicated to transparency, and you'll always be informed about any upcoming charges well in advance.

Your Confidence, Our Priority:

Our refund and trial policies reflect our confidence in the value we provide and our commitment to your business success. Whether you're exploring the strategic support of our VIP Experience or the empowering platform of the PLN, we want you to feel secure in your decision to partner with UpMyInfluence.

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How long should I stay at the VIP level?

Our VIP engagement requires a minimum of four months to ensure a successful launch and to build guest momentum. The goal is to make you self-sufficient with your own internal team.

You can always continue with some VIP services as needed (see "Can I Customize My PLN Experience with Additional Services?" above). However, if you prefer to manage things with your own team, we'll provide all the necessary support to help you transition smoothly.

After the initial four months, you can downgrade to PLN ($497/month) at any time. With PLN, you'll receive ongoing coaching, support, access to the full platform, and regular promotion within our amazing network.

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From the FAQ: How much time will this take me/my team?

This is our most popular question and a very important topic for B2B leaders. I answer the question above in the FAQ - but please watch this important video.

Thoughtful Consultants, Coaches, B2B Service Providers, and Agency Owners:

Unlock Steady Growth. Skip the Spam.

Activate Your 14-Day Free Adventurer's Pass 🎫 in 30 Seconds and Connect with Like-Minded Leaders for Life.


✅ Quick Start: Activate your trial in just 30 seconds.

✅ Community & Support: Immediate access to our exclusive community and ongoing leadership guidance.


✅ Customizable System: Tailored tools and resources at your disposal.

✅ Inbound Mastery: Strategies to attract high-ticket sales & partnerships effortlessly.

Your Investment: $0 today. $4997 for the full 12-month engagement if you choose to continue your journey.

Join Risk-Free Today

  • 14-Day Free Adventurer's Pass: 🎫 Embark on your growth journey with our exclusive 14-day kickstart program. Designed for immediate impact and long-term success. Setting strategy is the starting point for every member.

  • Expert-Crafted Lessons: Gain from daily 10-minute actionable steps and insightful videos, distilled from our expertise with over 200 high-ticket explorers. Each lesson is a step towards tangible progress.

  • Full Control, No Strings Attached: Enjoy the freedom to upgrade early for the full platform experience or cancel anytime directly from your account with no obligation to pay a dime. Your journey. Your terms.

✅ Free Trial AccountYour Login Info
Payment InfoActivate & Join us!

For those considering our VIP Experience and want to connect with industry leaders 🙂

Schedule Your Insight Call

The UpMyInfluence trademark is a federally registered trademark owned by UpMyInfluence, Inc. UpMyInfluence, Inc. also claims trademark rights in PodCash Leader VIP Experience, PodCash Leader Fast$tart and PodCash Leader Network. Any unauthorized use is expressly prohibited.

Complete Advanced Analytics Dashboard

The ability to track the ROI and Leads in a pipeline has become even easier through our advanced Dashboard. Track stats such as appointment rates, campaign effectiveness, and even response rates!